This document outlines the core steps required to create your first app based on the guide in the What do do first article, extended details of all functionality can be found in the apps section.
App template selection
- Select the Search App from the App Library template tab
- Mousing over the App tile will display a short description of the App and its applications
Selecting the Demo data source
The Search app data source window will appear.
- OPTIONAL: Click on PREVIEW to see a sample of the data within the source.
- Click on the SELECT button for the PRODUCT demo data source.
- You will be presented with the Search App configuration screen
Search App Configuration
- Enter a name for your App entity
- Select the image Field (image_uri) which the search can be performed on from the drop down list.
Samples will be shown below the selections allowing you to validate you have made the correct selections
- Click on the
arrows to step through the available samples
- Click on CREATE APP to start the app creation process or click CANCEL or the
to return to the previous step
Graft will now process a sample of your data, typically 100 items and upon completion will show the App TRY IT tab.
Next Step