Welcome to Graft, we hope this help center will help enhance your experience of working with the Graft platform, we focus on an intuitive user experience but sometimes a little documentation, the occasional video guide and tutorial smooths the way.
Content is organized into key topics including...
Getting Started | This section of initial pointers to get you up and running as soon as possible, see details below. |
Graft Basics | Core concepts and capabilities of the Graft platform |
Apps | Build your own AI application in minutes for common tasks, the simplest method to insights with Graft. |
Connecting to your data | How to connect your structured and unstructured data to Graft |
Models | Information on the trunk/foundation, classifier models and third party API models supported by Graft |
Managing your results | Working with the output from Graft |
API Documentation | Programmatically accessing Graft for real-time queries and existing results |
Advanced Functionality | Detailed instructions for those who want finer control of what they build in graft |
Data Science/ML tasks | Functionality for advanced users |
Account Administration | Common account level admin tasks |
FAQ | All those burning questions we have answers for |
Demo Data | Sample data you can experiment with |
Release Notes | History of the changes made to the Graft platform |
We will be adding video guides, training content, walkthroughs to help you make the most of Graft so please check back from time to time.
If any of the documentation is unclear, has broken links, you have suggestions or there are missing topics please do not hesitate to let our Support Team know.
Talking of which, our support team is ready to help Monday to Friday 11 til 9 Eastern, 8 til 6 Pacific with the exception of USA public holidays. Send an email to support@graft.com and we will reply as soon as we can. Please include your Organization, project, description of issue or feedback and any screenshots of the issue which may be relevant.
What's in this section?
Start Here | Ideas on where to start your journey with graft, provides you with a simple checklist of tasks you can carry out with our demo data to familiarise yourself with how Graft works |