Building your data model
Entities are a core concept inside Graft with which you will be interacting either directly or indirectly through the creation of Apps. Entities will contain fields with your unstructured data. Graft will transform selected data fields by creating representations known as embeddings. Once your entity exists and your data has been transformed, you can optionally augment it by applying Enrichments which predict properties about your data.
Entities are specific to a project, it is possible to nest entities within a project to support different use cases. Entities are also the underlying data structure used by Graft Apps.
All this information, data fields (origin from the data source, created by Graft or manually created), embeddings, enrichments, are held within the entity and available via SQL and the Graft API
Entities can be found under Data in the side menu.
Entities can be created in a number of ways...
- Automatically when creating an App from a Graft App template
- Quick Entity from the Data source summary screen
- Manually from the Entities tile under Data
Each method has its own benefits, using an App means that Graft automatically selects the best configuration based on the type of data you are interested in the App and processes your data, creating a quick entity rapidly generates an entity using all the available fields of a single data source and the manual option gives you fine control over each aspect of the entity setup from the use of one or more data sets, how to embed fields (single or multiples) and their strategies (chunked or not, token strategies) and when the data is processed.
The following articles in this section break down the creation of an entity and some of the more advanced functions available
- Creating a Quick Entity
- Manually Creating an Entity
- Previewing your Entity Data
- Creating an Embedding
- Running processing Jobs